Students have their own loans to persue their studies.But sometimes,their loans will withdrawn because of their examination result or bad disciplines.So,do you think we should give monetary incentives to the KP2 students to motivate them to get better grades?My answer is no!It is because,they will be wasting time,the money is not used for studies and they will not get the values.
They will wasting more their time.It is because,when they get the money,they will think to have fun,supposedly they want to release their tension on studies.When they always hang out with friends to have fun,they will lose their times for refresh back their study lesson.So,when KP2 students get more money,it will make they wasting more their times and do not study.
The money is not used for studies.It is normal for some students.Before get their allowance money,they will dream many things to buy.Where their get the money?From the allowance.So,if we give more money to KP2 students,possibility for them to go shopping is high.The money is not used for buy books and necessary in studies.So,the money is spend on the wrong way and they will not have more materials to study.
They will not get the values.Sometimes,students need some hard time to make them strong.They will learn from their hard time.They will be more grateful and study with hard.When their money is withdrawn when get the KP2,they will learn from that.They will try harder to improve their result to get back the money.If we still give money to them,they will be not serious.They assume,students who get good results and bad results still get the money.So,for what they need to study hard?Then,not get the money will motivate them.
Conclusion,we should not give the monetary incentives to KP2 students because it will give more bads than goods.They need to feel hard to make their more matured in their life.
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